Love to Swim Awards Scheme

We follow Swim England's Learn to Swim Programme and Award Scheme, which is outlined below:  


Entry requirements

Swim England Learn to Swim Awards

Adult and Toddler

This class is aimed at Toddlers aged 2 – 3 years who can walk with no support from an adult up to 3 years old. An adult must accompany the child in the water. The lesson focuses on promoting early water confidence, basic motor skills and introduces independent movement in a fun and friendly environment.

Discovery Ducklings 1 – 4

Under 5’s aged 3 – 4 years

This class is aimed at children who are confident in the water without the need for parental support but not yet swimming. The teacher is in the water and teaching and buoyancy aids are provided as children progress through the Learn to Swim awards.

Duckling 1 – 4
Complimentary Awards:
I CAN Awards

Enter the water
Exit the water
Blow bubbles
Float on front
Float on back
Roll over
Jump in

Stage 1

For children 5 years and over who are new to swimming lessons and are not yet water confident e.g. unable to submerge their face confidently, float on their front and back unaided.

Stage 1
Complimentary Awards:

Stage 2

For children 5 years old and have passed Stage 1 and are water confident e.g. able to submerge their face confidently, float on their front and back unaided and paddle/kick a short distance unaided.

Stage 2
Complimentary Award
5 metres

Stage 3

For children who have passed Stage 2 or able to travel 5 metres on both the front and back without the use of buoyancy aids, able to regain standing and blow bubbles into the water.

Stage 3
Complimentary Awards:
10 metres

Stage 4

For children who have passed Stage 3 or are able to travel 10 metres on their front and back unaided with a basic technique. Confident to jump in and submerge under water and have experience in deep water.

Stage 4
Complimentary Awards:
5 metres Frontcrawl
5 metres Backstroke
5 metres Breastroke
5 metres Butterfly
Preliminary Safety

Stage 5

For children who have passed Stage 4 or are able to kick 10 metres of front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly with good technique and swim 10 metres of a stroke.

Stage 5
Complimentary Awards:
10 metres Frontcrawl
10 metres Backstroke
10 metres Breastroke
10 metres Butterfly

Stage 6

For children who have passed Stage 5 or able to swim 10 metres of front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly with good technique and are able to confidently tread water and perform somersaults in the water.

Stage 6
Complimentary Awards:
25 metres
Personal Survival 1

Stage 7

For children who have passed Stage 6 or are able to swim 10 metres with clothes on, swim front crawl, breaststroke and butterfly with rhythmical breathing, swim 25 metres correct technique of at least 1 stroke, able to surface dive to the bottom of the pool, confident in deep water and able to swim with clothes on confidently.

Stage 7
Complimentary Awards:
25 metres Frontcrawl
25 metres Backstroke
50 metres
100 metres

Adult Beginner

For pupils aged 16 years old and over to promote water confidence and develop core aquatic skills which enable a solid foundation to start learning the strokes.

Be Water Confident
Complimentary Awards:
5 metres
10 metres

Adult improver

For pupils aged 16 years old and over who are able to swim at least 10 metres on their front and back. This lesson will further improve stroke technique and develop on previous core skills learnt with an introduction to deep water.

Be A Swimmer
Complimentary Awards:
25 metres

Adult Advance

For pupils aged 16 years old and over who are able to swim at least 25 metres. This lesson will focus on stroke development and endurance.

Be A Better Swimmer
Complimentary Awards:
50 metres
100 metres